SimMayor 0.2.0

This Update

Introducing recreational *checks notes* buildings! Not drugs...


Ads: An ad is only shown every 3 months when skipping months
Basic Information: Added the city's climate to Land Characteristics
Bug: Fixed a specific corruption event not showing and causing a background error
Bug: Fixed elections not happening when you skip a month past the date (whoops!)
Bug: Fixed negative days appearing in the Mayor's biography
Bug: Fixed population not being shorthand on the overview panel
Bug: Fixed rainforest not having a name or icon set
Buildings: Added 1 new Commercial Building
Buildings: Added 7 'smaller' versions of existing buildings
Buildings: Added 9 Recreational buildings
Buildings: Moved Arcade, Bar, Bowling Alley, Craft Beer Pub, Movie Theater, Pub, and Public Pool to Recreational Buildings
Colour Themes: Added 1 new colour theme
Concerts: Once a month a musician/band will pick a venue in your settlement to play, ensure you have a variety of venues to ensure more citizens can watch and maximise your cut of the profit
Corruption: Balanced events, some corruption events won't appear as often and others will appear more etc.............
Corruption: Corruption events can now place buildings in your city (e.g. planning permission)
New Game: Random city selection now sets climate along with city name and demonym
News: Added more articles when you are not fulfilling utility %s
Planned Events: Citizens now post specific things about planned events on social media
Random Events: Added lots of new random events (maybe around 6+)
Random Events: Some events will now only occur once - these will have more profound outcomes
Social Media: Added more daily messages so that the timeline doesn't get boring as quick
UI: Fixed Achievements button not collapsing when the Other menu collapse button is pressed
UI: Fixed Toggle text colour not using the colour theme's set colour
UI: Optimised icon sizes
UI: Tweaked sizing of Basic Information Title
Weather: Added over 15 weather types and 5 different climates; This will affect events, citizens will talk about it on social media

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